- december 9 - sam suffers a stroke and her hind legs are paralyzed
- december 10 - sam is put out of her misery
- december 11 - the kids want a dog for christmas; the hunt begins
- december 17 - bethany the pit bull stays overnight for a trial
- december 18 - bethany doesn't work out goes back to the rescue
- december 19 - bodie/bodhi the australian cattle dog comes home for a trial
- december 25 - hubby announces bodie/bodhi as an official part of the family
- january 5 - bodie/bodhi shows aggression, provoked, toward dylan
- january 22 - bodie/bodhi attacks mom-in-law unprovoked
- january 23 - bodie/bodhi attacks mom-in-law unprovoked and draws blood
- january 25 - bodie/bodhi attacks mom-in-law unprovoked and takes a chunk
- january 26 - bodie/bodhi goes back to the rescue
and now hubby says he doesn't want to go to a rescue again, that he wants to get a puppy from a breeder so we know its history and all. thing is, from a breeder, they're $600 and that's low-balling. also, most of the breeders around here don't have pups available, only litters, and the waiting lists are long with no guarantee.
i hate not having a dog in the house. hate it. hate it.
this is the most emotion i've felt since...well, since the birth of my last child, and probably more than that coz i was drugged back then.
i miss you, sam. rest in peace...
I know how you feel I lost my dog coco who was the runt of a pure blood chocolate lab litter and my other dog K-9 only a few months after. Coco was really sick and K-9 was really old, we had to put them both down. I also had the best cat in the world who would act like a shark circling around the table waiting for food to fall on the ground, or when we had people over for the holidays she would jump up on the table and drag her tail through the food in hopes we would give it to her, and if that didn't work she would just jump on the table and drag entire baked potatoes off. But my favorite thing about her was that she would wait for me on the couch for me to come home from school and finish my homework. She passed away on the couch waiting for me to come home from the San Louise Ray Mission, to gather info for my 4th grade project. My mom drove up to the house I saw the look on my dads face ran out of the car and he told me she died. I wouldn't come out of my room or stop crying for hours, and one of the days that was supposed to be the funnest of my life, turned into the worst. I really hate mission projects.