Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28, 2012 - Lung cancer

"All stand for the president of the United States."

It was the clarion call typical of his previous grand entrances, but Jason Tranh wondered how many more of them he'd be listening for.  He hadn't much time left.

As he strode through the room, weaving past round tables that manage to cram together ten people at a thousand bucks a head, he forced his lungs to cooperate one last time, his face to freeze in its signature half-smirk.  He had to prove that nothing was wrong, at least to this audience.  On this night.

One last time.

He spied his wife sitting, as per usual, not at the dais but at a lowly table with journalists representing the other party.  A passive aggressive slap in the face.  Even though she knew what he was about to do.  Married to her for thirty of his seventy years on this planet and she didn't have the courtesy to pretend to support him at least this once.


He'd finally made it to the front.  Cameras clicked.  Lights flashed.  The teleprompter was positioned just where he liked it.  The fanfare from the musicians died down.  The crowd was still expectant and polite.  He gazed at the sea of faces upturned eagerly. A few seconds more and those faces would get restless.  A few minutes after his announcement and those faces would get ugly.

Okay, Tranh.  He gave himself a mental shake.  It's go time.

He straightened his tie, grabbed the mic, winked at his estranged wife in a half-hearted attempt at his former self and his former life.  Then he dropped the bombshell that would change the course of history as they all knew it.


  1. Awesome.... But sadly your amazing Word Blurb is not why I have commented. The truth is I have a question that has been haunting me for a while now and you might just be able to help me....
    Ok here it goes....
    If you were being attacked by Angels (the ones from Doctor Who) would a camera be able to help you?
    I mean the deal with the Angels is as long as you are staring at them they can't move right?
    So technically if you had a camera looking at them it could work because they have it looking at them....
    But it is not a living thing so it might not work....
    Then again they would been seen later on so it could still work....
    But if they caught their pray and sent them back through time then no one would seen the recording I guess....
    Of course others could come and see the recording later making the camera a helpful weapon....
    Unless the Angels get them too....
    Well you see my problem here. Please do your best to put my mind at ease by answering this question because if I don't figure it out soon I will go nuts.
    Well back to your Word Blurb I loved how you talked about the wife, and how even though she would usually support him this news was just to upsetting for her. I think that really help set the mood along with the main character's attempt to act like his normal self despite the heavy weight on his back. LOVE IT ^_^

    1. Well, without spoiling things, I think you ought to watch the sequel to the angels episode. Ok, so it's not technically a sequel, but we meet them again in the next season. Bring a jump drive to school tomorrow and I'll let you have it. It'll go a long way in explaining things, I think. Plus, it's my insidious way of getting more people to watch Doctor Who. :p
