Saturday, July 9, 2011

let the games begin

So this is...what?  My nth attempt at another blog?  Will this one stick, you think?  Perhaps if I gave myself some reasonable goals.  Yeah, goals.  Goals are good.  Kinda like the 365 challenge I've been doing over on Facebook.  You know, how you take a photo a day for an entire year?  How's that going, you ask?  Quite well, my friend, thanks for the support.  It *is* a bit depressing sometimes, though, when I browse my photo albums and realize I've become that entity I used to scorn: a mom with an inexhaustible propensity for taking pictures of her kids.  Sigh.  At least I've tried to be all artistic and use the rule of thirds with most of my photos and all.

Okay, before this devolves into a miasma of indulgent self-pity, how about a pictorial update of my current WIP? Because that's the goal I think I'm setting for myself: a consistently updated documentation of my current knitting projects with a dash of random commentary about life, the universe and everything. And I'm defining "consistent" as posting at least once a week. Does that seem like a reasonable goal? I think so too.

Et voila...

So I screwed the pooch on the pattern and didn't stagger the leaf repeat. But my buds on Ravelry say it won't be noticeable once it's all done and I really don't want to frog the thing because it's lace and I wouldn't even know how without messing up even more so I'm leaving it as is. Perhaps I should just work on the thing late at night when the kiddos aren't tugging at me and causing me to lose my mental mantra of ssk, k1, k1, yo, k1...


  1. I envy your ability to knit. My crocheting seems sort of pitiful compared to your knitting projects, which by the way are collecting dust in the closet. Go me!

  2. @Jen - that may be true, but you make amazing cakes and i wish i had that skill - much more appreciated by the family, i bet. :)
