Tuesday, July 12, 2011

of air horns and animals

i went to bed hearing it. i woke up hearing it. sigh.

why do 8-year-olds like the strangest things? for the past two days now, dylan has repeatedly played a series of youtube videos of people messing with dogs and cats by scaring them with air horns. and he watches them at full blast. then he giggles. madly. and i haven't the heart to yell at him because when he giggles like that, i think that this isn't gonna last. this innocence, i mean. i'm not even gonna deign embedding a sample of the air horn madness because no one needs to endure what i'm enduring and really, unless he's your son, it's not at all wistful or endearing. suffice to say, that was how my day began today, which should've been an indication of things to come.

but it wasn't.

because, surprisingly, i actually got a lot done and feel uber productive. no, not knitting. but i did manage to plan several weeks' worth of lessons for r.a.w.r.r., with much thanks to my MIL who sat next to me and helped me cull through tons of books and who gave me focus and perspective. i feel a whole helluva lot more relieved now that i have established a game plan. i'm all about the game plans. i'm lost without them. on my tombstone, under my ISBN, i want it to say: "you gotta have a game plan."

oh, lord. he's giggling again. i almost wish he'd go back to watching "fred" and "annoying orange" videos.

anyhoo, now that i've got that sword of damocles stalled for a bit, i can focus once again on getting some knitting projects done. i know, i know. it seems i've done nothing but work on knitting projects. but it's my summer, dammit, and the powers that be should consider themselves lucky they even got a day's worth of work free from me, even if that day's worth of work is really gonna benefit me in the long run. will post my working syllabus once i get something typed up.


  1. the air horn is even funny in person I must admit. We tried it on our dane and it scared the bejezus out of him the first few times. Then not so much, he learned quick LOL.

    Also, for the record, I loathe Fred.

  2. oh, gosh! don't get me wrong; i loathe fred too. but that damned air horn...argh!!! boys!
